There I was sitting quietly alone, minding my own business...

Yeh right, but sometimes that is true.
DOING NOTHING, no mischief or mayhem or whatver and then KABOOM!

It happened just the other day again.
There I was in Mid-town, sitting alone on a park bench, minding my OOOOOWN business, feeding the elephants...

and smoking a funny cigarette, when...

Then the other day I went into my garage, and WTF. Somebody stole my brand new Porsche, and replaced it with a 2002 Taurus...with dented fenders, half a grill, and no rear bumper. FUCK. Even the tail lights were half missing (SUPER SHIT, that's good for at least one traffic ticket if I am lucky).

Oh God no. NOT a traffic stop. What if I get asked to open the trunk, or move the blanket in the back seat, or...

"Drive slowly and carefully, and do NOT run into that squad car," I keep telling myself, as I weave and bob through traffic like a drunken ballerina at the office party. (Funny office, we have).

I went back inside fuming, and that is when I noticed that instead of my beautiful full-length mirror, someone had stolen it and replaced with an old cracked one.

THEN, as I stood looking in it, I suddenly realized...

WTF. I'm NOT young and a hunk and a real hottie? 
Gorgeous from head to toe and SPLENDIDLY dressed? 

I'm old and gray and stoop-shouldered, and dressed in shabby clothes, and.....NO TEETH?

Then I woke up.

But I soon realized this was not a dream. Everything. My worst fears have been realized. OH MY GOD...but wait, did I really wake up or maybe I am still dreaming or....

DAMN those were good mushrooms. They DID taste a bit weird though. I wonder if Joey has been spraying them with bug spray again. Kind of an odd...



the minute my back is turned...
some asshole puts a live grenade in my jockey ( or so the horse told me) shorts, and KABOOM. Roasted nuts on an open FAHRE, GOD DAHMMIT TEW HELLLLL...


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